Friday, April 2, 2010


This weekend is Ching Ming Festival also known as Ancestors Day. The name denotes a time for people to tend to the graves of departed ones and enjoy the greenery of springtime outside. This tradition dates back 2,500 years throughout Asia. It is during this weekend that you pay your respects and honor those family members that are no longer with you.

Spend time with your loved ones.
Remember your loved ones where ever they may be.
Swimming and aeroplanes...


I therefore intend to enjoy the springtime and greenery in the following ways:


All under the sunshine

There is no excuse. They are all on my doorstep now!

I have not been part of a netball team since I was 16 years old. Tomorrow I shall be returning to the court, almost 10 years later...I feel as though I am coming out of retirement!

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