Friday, August 27, 2010

Yes please

I'll take a pair for my autumn 2010 wardrobe...

Camp Hope

Sheer determination at Camp Hope in Chile.
The 33 miners, you are in our thoughts.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Twitter time

I now have vintage iPhone!
So I decided to give Twitter a go...
There will be no stopping me now.
Hear wittering_cc on twitter


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Too soon for Christmas?

I've thought about Christmas three times today... it's only August! After the rain poured and poured and the grey skies got darker and darker, my mid drifted to autumn and then winter... snuggly clothes, fur scarves, snow filled skies and cashmere cardigans. Maybe this year we'll be part of the icy mornings, I'll ride my bike around the frosty gardens? Rushing into our warm home, candles burning, hot vimto we can drink!